403.702Legislative findings; public purpose.
403.7031Limitations on definitions adopted by local ordinance.
403.7033Departmental analysis of particular recyclable materials.
403.704Powers and duties of the department.
403.7043Compost standards and applications.
403.7045Application of act and integration with other acts.
403.7046Regulation of recovered materials.
403.7047Regulation of fossil fuel combustion products.
403.7049Determination of full cost for solid waste management; local solid waste management fees.
403.705State solid waste management program.
403.706Local government solid waste responsibilities.
403.70605Solid waste collection services in competition with private companies.
403.7061Requirements for review of new waste-to-energy facility capacity by the Department of Environmental Protection.
403.70611Requirements relating to solid waste disposal facility permitting.
403.7063Use of private services in solid waste management.
403.7065Procurement of products or materials with recycled content.
403.7071Management of storm-generated debris.
403.70715Research, development, and demonstration permits.
403.709Solid Waste Management Trust Fund; use of waste tire fees.
403.7095Solid waste management grant program.
403.713Ownership and control of solid waste and recovered materials.
403.715Certification of resource recovery or recycling equipment.
403.716Training of operators of solid waste management and other facilities.
403.717Waste tire and lead-acid battery requirements.
403.71852Collection of lead-containing products.
403.7186Environmentally sound management of mercury-containing devices and lamps.
403.7192Batteries; requirements for consumer, manufacturers, and sellers; penalties.
403.72Identification, listing, and notification.
403.721Standards, requirements, and procedures for generators and transporters of hazardous waste and owners and operators of hazardous waste facilities.
403.7211Hazardous waste facilities managing hazardous wastes generated offsite; federal facilities managing hazardous waste.
403.7215Tax on gross receipts of commercial hazardous waste facilities.
403.722Permits; hazardous waste disposal, storage, and treatment facilities.
403.7222Prohibition of hazardous waste landfills.
403.7223Waste elimination and reduction assistance program.
403.7225Local hazardous waste management assessments.
403.7226Technical assistance by the department.
403.723Siting of hazardous waste facilities.
403.7234Small quantity generator notification and verification program.
403.7236Local government information to be sent to the department.
403.7238Expanded local hazardous waste management programs.
403.726Abatement of imminent hazard caused by hazardous substance.
403.7264Amnesty days for purging small quantities of hazardous wastes.
403.7265Local hazardous waste collection program.
403.727Violations; defenses, penalties, and remedies.
403.728Qualifications of operation personnel of hazardous waste facilities.
403.74Management of hazardous materials by governmental agencies.
403.75Definitions relating to used oil.
403.751Prohibited actions; used oil.
403.753Public educational program about collection and recycling of used oil.
403.754Registration of persons transporting, processing, burning, or marketing used oil; fees; reports and records.
403.7545Regulation of used oil as hazardous waste.
403.757Coordination with other state agencies.
403.759Disposition of fees, fines, and penalties.
403.760Public used oil collection centers.
403.763Grants to local governments.
403.767Certification of used oil transporters.
403.769Permits for used oil processing and rerefining facilities.
403.7721Rule of construction; chs. 85-269 and 85-277.