1002.53Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program; eligibility and enrollment.
1002.55School-year prekindergarten program delivered by private prekindergarten providers.
1002.57Prekindergarten director credential.
1002.59Emergent literacy and performance standards training courses.
1002.61Summer prekindergarten program delivered by public schools and private prekindergarten providers.
1002.63School-year prekindergarten program delivered by public schools.
1002.66Specialized instructional services for children with disabilities.
1002.67Performance standards and curricula.
1002.68Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program accountability.
1002.71Funding; financial and attendance reporting.
1002.72Records of children in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program.
1002.73Department of Education; powers and duties; accountability requirements.