Case details

Court: ca9
Docket #: 12-16976
Case Name: Liberty Media Holdings, LLC v. FF Magnat Limited
PACER case #: 12-16976
Date filed: 09/06/2012
Nature of Suit: 3820 Copyright


Date Filed Document # Attachment # Short Description Long Description Upload date SHA1 hash
02/19/2013 30 0 Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: TSP): Appellee’s motion for an order reassessing and summarily affirming the amount of the attorney fees award, or in the alternative, remanding the case to the district court is referred to the panel assigned to hear the merits of this appeal. Any opposition and reply thereto shall also be referred to the merits panel. [8518951] (SM)
02/21/2013 31 0 Filed clerk order: The Court has reviewed the supplemental excerpts of record [26] submitted by Liberty Media Holdings, LLC. on 2/13/2013. Within 7 days of this order, appellee is ordered to file 4 copies of the excerpts in paper format, with a white cover. The paper copies must be in the format described in 9th Circuit Rule 30-1.6. [8522306] (GV)
03/28/2013 35 0 Submitted (ECF) Reply Brief for review. Submitted by Appellant FF Magnat Limited. Date of service: 03/28/2013. [8569099] (EF)
03/29/2013 36 0 Filed clerk order: The reply brief [35] submitted by FF Magnat Limited is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, appellant is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification, attached to the end of each copy of the brief, that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: gray. The paper copies shall be printed from the PDF version of the brief created from the word processing application, not from PACER or Appellate ECF. [8569910] (GV)
04/01/2013 37 0 Filed (ECF) Appellant FF Magnat Limited response opposing motion (). Date of service: 04/01/2013. [8571252] (EF)
04/11/2013 38 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Liberty Media Holdings, LLC reply to response (, motion for miscellaneous relief (to be used only if no other relief applies)). Date of service: 04/11/2013. [8587484] (LEB)