Case details

Court: ca9
Docket #: 11-16751
Case Name: Righthaven LLC v. Wayne Hoehn
PACER case #: 11-16751
Date filed: 07/20/2011
Date terminated: 05/09/2013
Nature of Suit: 3820 Copyright


Date Filed Document # Attachment # Short Description Long Description Upload date SHA1 hash
07/20/2011 1 0 DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND MQ: Yes. The schedule is set as follows: Mediation Questionnaire due on 07/27/2011. Transcript ordered by 08/18/2011. Transcript due 09/19/2011. Appellant Righthaven LLC opening brief due 10/27/2011. Appellee Wayne Hoehn answering brief due 11/28/2011. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. [7826825] (HC)
07/27/2011 2 0 Filed (ECF) Appellant Righthaven LLC Mediation Questionnaire. Date of service: 07/27/2011. [7835231] (SAM)
10/05/2011 3 0 Filed order MEDIATION (AJ): The court has determined that these appeals will not be selected for inclusion in the Mediation Program. All further inquiries regarding these appeals, including requests for extensions of time, should be directed to the Clerk’s office [7917569] [11-16751, 11-16995] (WL)
10/31/2011 4 0 Filed (ECF) Appellant Righthaven LLC Motion to extend time to file Opening brief until 11/28/2011 at 11:59 pm. Date of service: 10/31/2011. [7948869] (SAM)
10/31/2011 5 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Wayne Hoehn response to motion (,motion to extend time to file brief). Date of service: 10/31/2011. [7949055] (JMD)
11/01/2011 6 0 Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: GSS): The appellant’s late motion for an extension of time to file the opening brief is granted. The opening brief is now due November 28, 2011 . The answering brief is due December 29, 2011. The optional reply brief is due within 14 days after service of the answering brief. [7949369] (WL)
11/28/2011 7 0 Submitted (ECF) Opening brief for review. Submitted by Appellant Righthaven LLC. Date of service: 11/28/2011. [7981161] (SAM)
11/29/2011 8 0 Filed clerk order: The opening brief [7] submitted by Righthaven LLC is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, with a blue cover, accompanied by certification, attached to the end of each copy of the brief, that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. [7982641] (GV)
12/05/2011 9 0 Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review and filed Motion to become amicus curiae. Submitted by The Association of American Publishers and The Recording Industry Association of America. Date of service: 12/05/2011. [7988277] (JMW)
12/07/2011 11 0 Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: GS): Brief Submitted for Review (ECF Filing) is referred to panel., Motion (ECF Filing) is referred to panel.; Motion (ECF Filing) motion to become amicus is referred to panel. Association of American Publishers and Recording Industry Association of America and any other related filings are referred to the merits panel for consideration. Within seven days of the filing of this order, Association of American Publishers and Recording Industry Association of America is ordered to file seven copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Any further motion to file amicus curiae briefs shall be treated in the same fashion. [7990762] (GS)
12/13/2011 14 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Wayne Hoehn Correspondence: Correspondence to opposing counsel, clerk regarding 31-2.2(a) extension. Date of service: 12/13/2011 [7999736] (JMD)
12/13/2011 15 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Wayne Hoehn response opposing motion (,motion to become amicus). Date of service: 12/13/2011. [7999789] (JMD)
01/12/2012 17 0 Submitted (ECF) Answering brief for review. Submitted by Appellee Wayne Hoehn. Date of service: 01/12/2012. [8030789]--[COURT UPDATE: Attached corrected brief. Resent NDA. 01/13/2012 by GD] (JMD)
01/13/2012 18 0 Filed clerk order: The answering brief [17] submitted by Wayne Hoehn is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification, attached to the end of each copy of the brief, that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: red. [8031734] (GV)
01/17/2012 19 0 Received Appellant Righthaven LLC's excerpts of record in 1 volume. Deficiencies: untimely, excerpts lack certificate of service. Notified counsel (See attached notice). [8033393] (GV)
04/16/2012 23 0 Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Erik Swen Syverson for Appellant Righthaven LLC. Date of service: 04/16/2012. [8141001] (ESS)
05/09/2012 25 0 Filed (ECF) Appellant Righthaven LLC Motion to extend time to file record on appeal until 05/10/2012 at 10:00 am. Date of service: 05/09/2012. [8171254] (ESS)
05/16/2012 27 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Wayne Hoehn response to motion (,motion to extend time to file record on appeal). Date of service: 05/16/2012. [8181471] (JMD)
05/24/2012 28 0 Filed order (Appellate Commissioner) The appellant’s opposed motion to file the excerpts of record late is granted. The excerpts of record received on January 17, 2012 shall be filed. The appellee’s motion to dismiss for lack of prosecution is denied. (Pro Mo) [8191206] (LRB)
06/22/2012 30 0 Submitted (ECF) Reply brief for review and filed Motion to file a late brief. Submitted by Appellant Righthaven LLC. Date of service: 06/22/2012. [8224986]--[COURT UPDATE: Added certificate of service, resent notice. 06/25/2012 by ASW] (ESS)
06/29/2012 31 0 Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Allen Lichtenstein for Appellant Righthaven LLC. Date of service: 06/29/2012. [8233775] (AL)
07/02/2012 33 0 Filed (ECF) Appellee Wayne Hoehn response to motion (,motion to file a late brief). Date of service: 07/02/2012. [8235569] (JMD)
07/05/2012 34 0 Filed (ECF) Appellant Righthaven LLC Correspondence: Status report regarding appointment of receiver by District Court and developments related thereto. Date of service: 07/05/2012 [8239012] (ESS)
07/11/2012 35 0 Filed order (Appellate Commissioner)The appellant’s opposed motion to file the reply brief late is granted. The Clerk shall file the reply brief submitted on June 22, 2012. (Pro Mo) [8246601] (LRB)
07/11/2012 36 0 Filed clerk order: The reply brief [30] submitted by Righthaven LLC is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification, attached to the end of each copy of the brief, that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: gray. The paper copies shall be printed from the PDF version of the brief created from the word processing application, not from PACER or Appellate ECF. [8246856] (LA)
07/19/2012 38 0 Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Ronald D. Green for Appellee Wayne Hoehn. Date of service: 07/19/2012. [8255875] (RDG)
12/14/2012 40 0 Notice of Oral Argument on FEBRUARY Calendar. Please return ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE form to: PASADENA Office. Please open attached documents to view details about your case. [8439761] (LN)
12/14/2012 41 0 Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice. Location: Pasadena. Filed by Attorney Mr. Erik Swen Syverson for Appellant Righthaven LLC. [8440889] (ESS)
12/18/2012 42 0 Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice. Location: Pasadena. Filed by Attorney Mr. Marc J. Randazza for Appellee Wayne Hoehn. [8444763] (MJR)
01/17/2013 43 0 Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: WL): These two appeals are consolidated for oral argument. Plaintiff-Appellant is allotted a total of 20 minutes for argument for both cases. Defendants-Appellees are each allotted 10 minutes but may, if they agree, divide the total of 20 minutes differently. [8478784] [11-16751, 11-16776] (WL)
05/09/2013 45 0 Filed order (DIARMUID F. O'SCANNLAIN, STEPHEN S. TROTT and RICHARD R. CLIFTON) Nos. 11-16751 and 11-16776 were previously consolidated for oral argument. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 3(b)(2), we order these cases consolidated for decision. [8622480] [11-16751, 11-16776] (PH)
05/09/2013 46 0 FILED OPINION (DIARMUID F. O'SCANNLAIN, STEPHEN S. TROTT and RICHARD R. CLIFTON) AFFIRMED; VACATED. Costs are awarded to Defendant. Judge: DFO , Judge: SST , Judge: RRC Authoring. FILED AND ENTERED JUDGMENT. [8622485] [11-16751, 11-16776] (PH) 2013-05-10 13:55:01 94468fa27b4197acf4933e0dcc858afc33a94b30
46 1 Opinion
46 2 Post Judgment Form