624.501Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
624.5015Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
624.504Liability for state, county tax.
624.505County tax; determination; additional offices; nonresident agents.
624.506County tax; deposit and remittance.
624.508Insurer’s license tax; when payable.
624.509Premium tax; rate and computation.
624.5091Retaliatory provision, insurers.
624.5092Administration of taxes; payments.
624.510Tax on wet marine and transportation insurance.
624.5105Community contribution tax credit; authorization; limitations; eligibility and application requirements; administration; definitions; expiration.
624.51055Credit for contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations.
624.51056Credit for contributions to the New Worlds Reading Initiative.
624.51057Credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations.
624.51058Credit for contributions to the Live Local Program.
624.5108Property insurance discount to policyholders; insurance premium deduction; insurer credit for deductions.
624.511Tax statement; overpayments.
624.515State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; levy and amount.
624.516State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
624.517State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
624.518State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; tax return, overpayment.
624.519Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
624.521Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
624.523Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund.