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2018 Georgia Code 16-12-141.1 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 12. Offenses Against Public Health and Morals, 16-12-1 through 16-12-191.


16-12-141.1. Disposal of aborted fetuses; reporting requirements; penalties; public report; confidentiality of identity of physicians filing reports.

    1. Every hospital and clinic in which abortions are performed or occur spontaneously, and any laboratory to which the aborted fetuses are delivered, shall provide for the disposal of the aborted fetuses by cremation, interment, or other manner approved of by the commissioner of public health. The hospital, clinic, or laboratory may complete any laboratory tests necessary for the health of the woman or her future offspring prior to disposing of the aborted fetus.
    2. Each hospital, clinic, and laboratory shall report, on a form provided by the commissioner of public health, the manner in which it disposes of the aborted fetus. Such reports shall be made annually by December 31 and whenever the method of disposal changes. The commissioner of public health shall provide forms for reporting under this Code section.
  1. Any hospital, clinic, or laboratory violating the provisions of subsection (a) of this Code section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00.
  2. Within 90 days after May 10, 2005, the Department of Human Resources (now known as the Department of Public Health for these purposes) shall prepare a reporting form for physicians which shall include:
    1. The number of females whose parent or guardian was provided the notice required in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 15-11-682 by the physician or such physician's agent; of that number, the number of notices provided personally under subparagraphs (a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B) of Code Section 15-11-682 and the number of notices provided by mail under subparagraph (a)(1)(C) of Code Section 15-11-682; and, of each of those numbers, the number of females who, to the best of the reporting physician's information and belief, went on to obtain the abortion;
    2. The number of females upon whom the physician performed an abortion without providing to the parent or guardian of a minor the notice required by subsection (a) of Code Section 15-11-682; and of that number, the number of females for which subsection (b) of Code Section 15-11-682 and Code Section 15-11-686 were applicable;
    3. The number of abortions performed upon a female by the physician after receiving judicial authorization pursuant to subsection (b) of Code Section 15-11-682 and Code Section 15-11-684; and
    4. The same information described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this subsection with respect to females for whom a guardian or conservator has been appointed.
  3. The Department of Public Health shall ensure that copies of the reporting forms described in subsection (c) of this Code section, together with a reprint of this Code section, are provided:
    1. Within 120 days after May 10, 2005, to all health facilities licensed as an abortion facility by the Department of Human Resources (now known as the Department of Community Health for these purposes);
    2. To each physician licensed or who subsequently becomes licensed to practice medicine in this state at the same time as official notification to that physician that the physician is so licensed; and
    3. By December 1 of every year, other than the calendar year in which forms are distributed in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection, to all health facilities licensed as an abortion facility by the Department of Community Health.
  4. By February 28 of each year following a calendar year in any part of which this subsection was in effect, each physician who provided, or whose agent provided, the notice described in subsection (a) of Code Section 15-11-682 and any physician who knowingly performed an abortion upon a female or upon a female for whom a guardian or conservator had been appointed because of a finding of incompetency during the previous calendar year shall submit to the Department of Public Health a copy of the form described in subsection (c) of this Code section with the requested data entered accurately and completely.
  5. Reports that are submitted more than 30 days following the due date shall be subject to a late fee of $500.00 for that period and the same fee for each additional 30 day period or portion of a 30 day period in which they remain overdue. Any physician required to report in accordance with this Code section who submits an incomplete report or fails to submit a report for more than one year following the due date may, in an action brought by the Department of Public Health, be directed by a court of competent jurisdiction to submit a complete report within a period stated by court order or be subject to sanctions for civil contempt.
  6. By June 30 of each year, the Department of Public Health shall issue a public report providing statistics for the previous calendar year compiled from all the reports covering that year submitted in accordance with this Code section for each of the items listed in subsection (c) of this Code section. The report shall also include statistics which shall be obtained by the Administrative Office of the Courts giving the total number of petitions or motions filed under subsection (b) of Code Section 15-11-682 and, of that number, the number in which the court appointed a guardian ad litem, the number in which the court appointed counsel, the number in which the judge issued an order authorizing an abortion without notification, the number in which the judge denied such an order, and, of the last, the number of denials from which an appeal was filed, the number of such appeals that resulted in the denials being affirmed, and the number of such appeals that resulted in reversals of such denials. Each report shall also provide the statistics for all previous calendar years for which such a public statistical report was required to be issued, adjusted to reflect any additional information from late or corrected reports. The Department of Public Health shall ensure that none of the information included in the public reports could reasonably lead to the identification of any individual female or of any female for whom a guardian or conservator has been appointed.
  7. The Department of Public Health may by regulation alter the dates established by paragraph (3) of subsection (d) and subsections (e) and (g) of this Code section or consolidate the forms or reports to achieve administrative convenience or fiscal savings or to reduce the burden of reporting requirements so long as reporting forms are sent to all facilities licensed as an abortion facility by the Department of Community Health at least once every year and the report described in subsection (g) of this Code section is issued at least once each year.
  8. The Department of Public Health shall ensure that the names and identities of the physicians filing reports under this Code section shall remain confidential. The names and identities of such physicians shall not be subject to Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50.

(Code 1981, §16-12-141.1, enacted by Ga. L. 1985, p. 1421, § 1; Ga. L. 2005, p. 1450, § 5/HB 197; Ga. L. 2009, p. 453, § 1-6/HB 228; Ga. L. 2011, p. 705, §§ 6-3, 6-5/HB 214; Ga. L. 2013, p. 294, § 4-13/HB 242; Ga. L. 2017, p. 774, § 16/HB 323.)

The 2017 amendment, effective May 9, 2017, part of an Act to revise, modernize, and correct the Code, deleted "of the type and confidentiality provided for in subsection (d) of Code Section 16-12-141, and" following "form" in the first sentence of paragraph (a)(2).

Editor's notes.

- Ga. L. 2013, p. 294, § 5-1/HB 242, not codified by the General Assembly, provides that: "This Act shall become effective on January 1, 2014, and shall apply to all offenses which occur and juvenile proceedings commenced on and after such date. Any offense occurring before January 1, 2014, shall be governed by the statute in effect at the time of such offense and shall be considered a prior adjudication for the purpose of imposing a disposition that provides for a different penalty for subsequent adjudications, of whatever class, pursuant to this Act. The enactment of this Act shall not affect any prosecutions for acts occurring before January 1, 2014, and shall not act as an abatement of any such prosecutions."

Law reviews.

- For article on 2005 amendment of this Code section, see 22 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 147 (2005). For article on the 2011 amendment of this Code section, see 28 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 147 (2011).

Cross references.

- Reporting induced termination of pregnancy, § 31-10-19.

Reporting of fetal deaths for vital records purposes, § 31-10-29.

Dead bodies generally, T. 31, C. 21.

Code Commission notes.

- Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1986, in the first sentence of paragraph (a)(2), a comma was added following "shall report."

Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2005, "May 10, 2005" was substituted for "the effective date of this subsection" in subsection (c) and in paragraph (d)(1).

Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2009, "Community Health" was substituted for "Human Resources" throughout this Code section and "(now known as the Department of Community Health for these purposes)" was inserted in the introductory language of subsection (c) and in paragraph (d)(1).

Administrative Rules and Regulations.

- Reporting requirement for all abortions, Official Compilation of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia, Rules of Department of Human Resources, Chapter 290-5-32.

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