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2018 Georgia Code 18-4-88 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 4. Garnishment Proceedings, 18-4-1 through 18-4-89.


18-4-88. Third-party claim.

"IN THE ______________ COURT OF ____________ COUNTY

STATE OF GEORGIA __________________________________ )

Plaintiff )

v. ) Civil Action File No.

__________________________________ ) ________________________

Defendant )

__________________________________ )

Garnishee )

THIRD-PARTY CLAIM Personally appeared ______________________________, who on oathsays

(Print name)

that he or she has a claim superior to that of the Plaintiff to the money or other property in the hands of the Garnishee subject to the process of garnishment.

The Affiant further states: (check applicable box and complete the information requested)

[] The Affiant obtained a judgment against the Defendant in the ____________ Court of ______________ County, ______________,in


Case Number ____________ on ______________, and theunpaid


balance of such judgment is in the amount of $______________.

or The basis of the Affiant's claim is __________________________________


This ____________ day of ______________, 20____.




Print name of Affiant

Sworn to and subscribed before me this __________ day

of __________________, 20____.


Notary Public or Deputy Clerk of Court

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have this day served the Plaintiff or Plaintiff's Attorney, the Defendant, and the Garnishee in the foregoing matter with a copy of this pleading by depositing it in the United States Mail in a properly addressed envelope with adequate postage thereon.

This ____________ day of ______________, 20____.


Third-party Claimant or Third-party Claimant's Attorney"

(Code 1981, §18-4-88, enacted by Ga. L. 2016, p. 8, § 1/SB 255.)

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