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Call Now: 904-383-7448As used in this article, the term:
"Industrial by-product" means any industrial waste or by-product which contains plant nutrients.
"Unmanipulated manure" means the excreta of animals when not artificially mixed with any material or materials other than those which have been used for bedding, sanitary, or feeding purposes for such animals or for the preservation of the manure, or when such excreta has not been subjected to processing other than composting, and provided such composted products are distributed in bulk only.
"Unit" of a plant nutrient means 20 pounds or 1 percent of a ton.
"Ton" means a net weight of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois.
"Specialty fertilizer" means a fertilizer distributed for nonfarm use, such as, but not limited to, home gardens, household plants, lawns, shrubbery, flowers, golf courses, municipal parks, cemeteries, greenhouses, and nurseries. The term "specialty fertilizer" also includes any fertilizer distributed in packages having a net weight of 10 pounds or less.
"Secondary" or "micro" plant nutrients means any elements or substances recognized by the Commissioner as being agronomically or horticulturally useful in promoting plant growth, other than primary plant nutrients.
"Primary plant nutrients" means total nitrogen (N), available phosphate (P2O5), and soluble potash (K2O).
"Person" means an individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation, or any combination thereof.
"Percent" or "percentage" means the percentage by weight.
"Official sample" means a sample of fertilizer taken by the Commissioner using methods adopted by the Commissioner by regulation in accordance with subsection (b) of Code Section 2-12-7.
"Mixed fertilizer" means a fertilizer containing any combination or mixture of fertilizer materials.
"Lot" means that amount of fertilizer on hand and actually covered by the official sample at the time and place of sampling. In determining plant nutrient deficiencies and penalties under this article, the term "lot" means that amount of fertilizer included in a single delivery. The amount of fertilizer in such delivery shall be deemed deficient and subject to the penalties provided by law, provided that at least 20 percent of such delivery is on hand at the time the official sample is drawn.
"Licensee" means the person who receives a license to distribute fertilizer under the provisions of this article.
"Labeling" means all written, printed, or graphic matter, upon or accompanying any fertilizer or advertisements, brochures, posters, and television and radio announcements used in promoting the sale of such fertilizer.
"Label" means the display of all written, printed, or graphic matter, upon the immediate container, or a statement accompanying a fertilizer.
"Investigational allowance" means an allowance for variations inherent in the taking, preparation, and analysis of an official sample of fertilizer.
(11) "Guaranteed analysis" means the minimum percentage of plant nutrients claimed in the following order and form:
(A) Total nitrogen (N) _ Percent (%) Available phosphate (P 2 O 5 ) _ Percent (%) Soluble potash (K 2 O) _ Percent (%)
(Code 1981, §2-12-2, enacted by Ga. L. 1997, p. 1271, § 1; Ga. L. 1998, p. 128, § 2.)
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