Section 12. Fertilizers, Liming Materials, and Soil Amendments, 2-12-1 through 2-12-110.
2-12-41. Definitions.
As used in this article, the term:
"Agricultural liming material" means a product whose calcium and magnesium compounds are capable of neutralizing soil acidity and which is sold or distributed for that purpose. Agricultural liming materials may either be in solid or liquid (suspension) form. The following are types of agricultural liming materials:
"Burnt lime" is a material made from limestone which consists essentially of calcium oxide or a combination of calcium oxide with magnesium oxide.
"Calcitic liming materials" are those materials composed wholly or primarily of calcium carbonate.
"Dolomitic liming materials" are those materials composed of calcium and magnesium carbonates.
"Hydrated lime" is a material, made from burnt lime, which consists of calcium hydroxide or a combination of calcium hydroxide with magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide or both.
"Industrial by-product" is any industrial waste or by-product containing calcium or calcium and magnesium compounds which will neutralize soil acidity.
"Limestone" is a material consisting essentially of calcium carbonate or a combination of calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate which is capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
"Marl" is a granular or loosely consolidated earthy material composed largely of seashell fragments and calcium carbonate.
"Brand" means the term, designation, trademark, product name, or other specific designation under which individual agricultural liming materials are offered for sale.
"Bulk" means in nonpackaged form.
"Calcium carbonate equivalent" or "neutralizing value" means the acid neutralizing capacity of an agricultural liming material expressed as weight percentage of calcium carbonate.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Georgia.
"Distribute" means to offer for sale, sell, exchange, barter, or otherwise supply or make available agricultural liming material in this state.
"Distributor" means any person who distributes.
"Fineness" means the percentage by weight of the liming material which will pass the United States Standard Sieve Series of specified sizes. The Commissioner shall establish by regulation the sieve sizes and minimum percentages required to pass such sieves for agricultural liming materials.
"Investigational allowance" means an allowance for variations inherent in the taking, preparation, and analysis of an official sample of agricultural liming material.
"Label" means any written or printed matter on or attached to the package or on the delivery ticket which accompanies bulk shipments.
"Labeling" means all written, printed, or graphic matter upon or accompanying any liming material or any advertisements, brochures, posters, or television or radio announcements used in promoting the sale of such liming material.
"Licensee" means the person who is responsible for guaranteeing agricultural liming materials and who receives a lime license to distribute agricultural liming materials under the provisions of this article.
"Lot" means that amount of agricultural liming material on hand and actually covered by the official sample at the time and place of sampling. In determining deficiencies in and penalties on agricultural liming materials under this article, deficiencies and penalties shall be calculated on the actual tonnage present at the time of sampling, provided that, if at the time of sampling at least 20 percent of the single delivery is present, the total amount in the single shipment shall be subject to penalty.
"Official sample" means any sample of agricultural liming material taken by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's agent and designated "official" by the Commissioner.
"Percent" or "percentage" means by weight.
"Person" means an individual, partnership, association, firm, or corporation.
"Ton" means a net weight of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois.
(Code 1981, §2-12-41, enacted by Ga. L. 1996, p. 1183, § 1.)