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2018 Georgia Code 20-3-203 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 3. Postsecondary Education, 20-3-1 through 20-3-660.


20-3-203. Purpose; powers and duties.

The purpose of the authority shall be to assist institutions for higher education. The exercise by the authority of the powers conferred by this article shall be deemed and held to be the performance of an essential public function. For the purpose of this article, the authority shall have the powers and duties set forth in this Code section:

  1. To adopt an official seal and alter the same at its pleasure;
  2. To bring or defend any action;
  3. To maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate;
  4. To determine the location and character of any construction project financed under this article; to acquire, construct, reconstruct, remodel, maintain, manage, enlarge, alter, add to, repair, operate, lease as lessee or lessor, sell, or otherwise dispose of any construction project in any manner it deems to the best advantage of the authority and the purposes thereof and to insure such construction project against any and all risks as such insurance may, from time to time, be available; to enter into contracts for any or all of such purposes; and to permit participating institutions for higher education to perform all of the foregoing as the authority's agent. Contracts entered into by the authority may be negotiated and shall not be subject to any laws governing public contracts or requiring competitive bidding;
  5. To finance projects for participating institutions for higher education through the issuance of authority revenue bonds and the lending of such revenue bond proceeds to the participating institution for higher education under such loan agreements or repayment contracts as the authority deems necessary or appropriate;
  6. To issue revenue bonds of the authority for any of its corporate purposes and to fund or refund them, all as provided in this article;
  7. To fix and revise from time to time and charge and collect rates, rents, purchase payments, fees, and charges for the use and for the services furnished or to be furnished by a project or any portion thereof or in connection with the financing thereof; and to contract with this state and its agencies, instrumentalities, departments, and political subdivisions and any person, partnership, association, or corporation or other body, public or private, in respect thereto;
  8. To establish rules and regulations for use of or eligibility for any project or any portion thereof; to designate a participating institution for higher education as its agent to establish rules and regulations for the use of or eligibility for a project undertaken for that participating institution for higher education; and to establish rules, regulations, and policies necessary, appropriate, or convenient for the administration of its affairs, the execution of its powers, duties, and functions, and the accomplishment of its corporate purposes;
  9. To employ consulting engineers, architects, attorneys, bond counsel, accountants, construction and financial experts, fiscal agents, superintendents, managers, such entities as the authority shall deem necessary to provide education loan origination and administration assistance to the authority or to a participating institution for higher education with respect to any education loan program, and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix their compensation; provided, however, that all costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with the employment of any persons as permitted by this paragraph shall not be an obligation of the state or any political subdivision thereof but must be payable solely from the proceeds of obligations issued by the authority or from revenues received by the authority from participating institutions for higher education as reimbursement for its administrative costs and expenses;
  10. To receive and accept from any source, other than state or local public funds, loans, contributions, gifts, or grants for or in aid of the construction of a project or any portion thereof in either money, property, labor, or other things of that value; and, when required, to use such funds, property, or labor only for the purposes for which it was loaned, contributed, given, or granted;
  11. To make loans to any participating institution for higher education for the cost of a project in accordance with a financing agreement between the authority and the participating institution for higher education, provided that no such loans shall exceed the total cost of the project as determined by the participating institution for higher education and approved by the authority;
  12. To make loans to a participating institution for higher education to refund outstanding obligations or advances issued, made, or given by such participating institution for higher education for the cost of the project;
  13. To charge to and apportion among participating institutions for higher education the administrative costs and expenses incurred by the authority in the exercise of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this article;
  14. To borrow money for any of its corporate purposes and to issue negotiable revenue bonds in the manner more fully set forth in Code Section 20-3-204, which revenue bonds shall be payable solely from funds pledged for that purpose; and to provide for the payment of such bonds and for the rights of the holders thereof;
  15. To pledge, mortgage, or convey by deed to secure debt, chattel mortgage, or bill of sale to secure debt all or any portion of any construction project and any other educational facilities conveyed to the authority for such purpose and the site or sites thereof, whether presently owned or subsequently acquired, for the benefit of the holders of the bonds of the authority issued to finance such construction project or any portion thereof or issued to refund or refinance outstanding indebtedness of a participating institution for higher education as permitted by this article;
  16. To issue bonds for the purpose of refunding or refinancing the outstanding indebtedness of a participating institution for higher education, whether or not outstanding prior to or after April 4, 1978, provided that such indebtedness was originally incurred for the purpose of paying the cost of a project as defined in this article;
  17. To exercise any power usually possessed by private corporations performing similar functions, provided the exercise of such power is not in conflict with the Constitution and laws of this state;
  18. To invest any accumulation of its funds and any sinking fund or reserves in any manner that public funds of this state or its political subdivisions may be invested; and
  19. To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly given in this article and any amendment hereto.

(Ga. L. 1978, p. 1765, § 4; Ga. L. 1981, p. 1331, §§ 3, 4; Ga. L. 1983, p. 1820, § 4.)

Cross references.

- Powers of municipal and county housing authorities and board of regents as to construction and operation of dormitories for university system, § 8-3-17.



- Immunity of private schools and institutions of higher learning from liability in tort, 38 A.L.R.3d 480.

Tort liability of private schools and institutions of higher learning for negligence of, or lack of supervision by, teachers and other employees or agents, 38 A.L.R.3d 908.

No results found for Georgia Code 20-3-203.