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2018 Georgia Code 31-11-102 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 11. Emergency Medical Services, 31-11-1 through 31-11-139.


31-11-102. Duties and responsibilities.

The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. To apply for, receive, and administer state funds appropriated to the commission and federal funds and grants, private grants and donations, and other funds and donations. The commission's annual distributions shall be capped and limited to funds received from the sources specified in this paragraph. The commission shall ensure that its funds are not used as a supplement or secondary payor to any other third-party payor;
  2. For the first two fiscal years in which funds are appropriated to the commission for distribution, to distribute such funds in the following areas with the priority for distribution to be set by majority vote of the commission:
    1. Physician uncompensated trauma care services provided in designated trauma centers;
    2. Emergency medical service uncompensated trauma care services provided to patients transported to designated trauma centers and to trauma patients transported to out-of-state hospitals as approved by the commission;
    3. Uncompensated trauma care services of designated trauma centers;
    4. Trauma care readiness costs for designated or certified trauma care service providers; and
    5. Trauma care service start-up costs for providers seeking a trauma care designation or certification.

      The commission shall adopt a formula that prioritizes the distribution of state appropriated funds that may be implemented during the third state fiscal year in which funds are appropriated to the commission for distribution. Such formula shall be evaluated and modified, if needed, every two years thereafter;

  3. To develop, implement, administer, and maintain a system to compensate designated trauma centers for a portion of their cost of readiness through a semiannual distribution from the Georgia Trauma Trust Fund in a standardized amount determined by the commission. The standardized amounts shall be determined according to designation level and shall be capped at that specific amount. Initially, such standardized amount shall be based upon a three-year average of annual trauma cases, annual amount of uncompensated trauma care services administered, and a three-year annual average cost of readiness. Such criteria may be changed by a majority vote of the commission. Total annual distributions for trauma center and emergency medical service readiness shall be capped at an amount set by the commission. However, the standards developed by the commission for readiness shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Criteria assuring the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
    2. Criteria assuring that all other resources must be exhausted before the trauma funds are allocated; and
    3. Criteria assuring that trauma funds must be used to meet a verified need that assists the trauma center to maintain a trauma center designation;
  4. To develop, implement, administer, and maintain a system to provide additional designated trauma center compensation to cover trauma center costs not associated with readiness based upon an application and review based process. These distributions shall be capped and limited to semiannual appropriations received by the commission. Designated trauma centers shall submit an application for trauma funds reimbursement semiannually. The application process developed by the commission for such costs shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Criteria assuring that the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
    2. Criteria assuring that trauma funds shall be used for reimbursement for services provided to designated trauma patients;
    3. Criteria assuring that trauma funds shall be used for reimbursement for trauma service codes;
    4. Criteria assuring that trauma funds used for reimbursement for trauma care costs shall be on a fee schedule or grant basis; provided, however, that no reimbursement shall exceed the average rate reimbursed for similar services under the State Health Benefit Plan; and
    5. Criteria that require the trauma center to submit a semiannual report documenting and verifying the use of such funds;
  5. To develop, implement, administer, and maintain a system to compensate physicians who provide uncompensated call and trauma care services. This reimbursement shall be distributed on a semiannual basis and paid on a formula to be set by the commission. The call hours must be documented and verified by the trauma director at the appropriate trauma center in order to receive such funds. The formula developed by the commission for reimbursement shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Criteria assuring that the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
    2. Criteria assuring that trauma funds shall be used for reimbursement for services provided to designated trauma patients;
    3. Criteria assuring that trauma funds used for reimbursement for physician costs shall be on a fee schedule or grant basis; provided, however, that no reimbursement shall exceed the average rate reimbursed for similar services under the State Health Benefit Plan; and
    4. Criteria assuring that trauma funds shall be used for reimbursement for trauma service codes;
  6. To reserve and disburse additional moneys to increase the number of participants in the Georgia trauma system. These funds shall be disbursed through an application process to cover partial start-up costs for nondesignated acute care facilities to enter the system as Level II, III, or IV trauma centers. The application process developed by the commission for start-up costs shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Criteria assuring that the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
    2. Criteria assuring that all other resources for start-up costs must be exhausted before the trauma funds are allocated;
    3. Criteria assuring that the distribution of trauma funds will result in the applicant's achieving a trauma designation as defined by the commission within the time frame specified on the application;
    4. Criteria assuring and verifying that the Department of Public Health has determined that there is a need for an additional trauma center with the designation that the applicant is seeking; and
    5. Criteria assuring that no more than 15 percent of the total annual distribution from the trauma fund total shall be distributed for new trauma center development;
    1. To develop, implement, administer, and maintain a system to compensate members of the emergency medical service transportation community for readiness and uncompensated trauma care.
    2. The compensation for the cost of readiness shall be through an application process adopted by the commission. The application process developed by the commission for readiness costs shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
      1. Criteria assuring that the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
      2. Criteria assuring that all other resources for readiness costs must be exhausted before the trauma funds are allocated;
      3. Criteria assuring that the distribution of trauma funds will result in the applicant's achieving certification as defined by the commission within the time frame specified on the application; and
      4. Criteria assuring and verifying that the Department of Public Health has determined that there is a need for additional emergency medical services with the certification that the applicant is seeking.
    3. The commission shall develop a formula for reimbursing emergency medical services uncompensated trauma care services. The formula developed by the commission for reimbursement shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
      1. Criteria assuring that the trauma fund is a payor of last resort;
      2. Criteria assuring that trauma funds shall be used for reimbursement for services provided to designated trauma patients; and
      3. Criteria assuring that trauma funds used for reimbursement of emergency medical service costs shall be on a fee schedule or grant basis; provided, however, that no reimbursement shall exceed the average rate reimbursed for similar services under the State Health Benefit Plan;
  7. To appropriate, out of the Georgia Trauma Trust Fund, annual moneys for investment in a system specifically for trauma transportation. The purpose of this system is to provide transport to trauma victims where current options are limited. The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations for such system and shall pursue contracts with existing state transportation structures or create a contractual arrangement with existing transportation organizations. The commission shall also be responsible for creating, maintaining, and overseeing a foundation to raise funds specifically for investment in this system and overall trauma funding;
  8. To act as the accountability mechanism for the entire Georgia trauma system, primarily overseeing the flow of funds from the Georgia Trauma Trust Fund into the system. The State Office of EMS/Trauma shall receive an annual distribution from the commission of not more than 3 percent of the total annual distribution from the fund in the fiscal year. These funds shall be used for the administration of an adequate system for monitoring state-wide trauma care, recruitment of trauma care service providers into the network as needed, and for research as needed to continue to operate and improve the system;
  9. To coordinate its activities with the Department of Public Health;
  10. To employ and manage staff and consultants in order to fulfill its duties and responsibilities under this article;
  11. To establish, maintain, and administer a trauma center network to coordinate the best use of existing trauma facilities in this state and to direct patients to the best available facility for treatment of traumatic injury;
  12. To coordinate, assist, establish, maintain, and administer programs designed to educate the citizens of this state on trauma prevention;
  13. To coordinate and assist in the collection of data to evaluate the provision of trauma care services in this state;
  14. To study the provision of trauma care services in this state to determine the best practices and methods of providing such services, to determine what changes are needed to improve the provision of trauma care services, and to report any proposed legislative changes to the General Assembly each year; and
  15. To employ an executive director and other staff and to establish duties and responsibilities of such persons.

(Code 1981, §31-11-102, enacted by Ga. L. 2007, p. 36, § 1/SB 60; Ga. L. 2009, p. 453, § 1-4/HB 228; Ga. L. 2011, p. 539, § 3/SB 76; Ga. L. 2011, p. 705, § 6-3/HB 214.)

The 2011 amendments. The first 2011 amendment, effective July 1, 2011, added "and to trauma patients transported to out-of-state hospitals as approved by the commission" in subparagraph (2)(B). The second 2011 amendment, effective July 1, 2011, substituted "Department of Public Health" for "Department of Community Health" in subparagraph (6)(D), division (7)(B)(iv), and paragraph (10).

Code Commission notes.

- Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2007, a period was substituted for a comma at the end of subparagraph (2)(E) and "an" was deleted following "is a need for" in division (7)(B)(iv).

Law reviews.

- For article on the 2011 amendment of this Code section, see 28 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 147 (2011).

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