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2018 Georgia Code 47-3-126.3 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 3. Teachers Retirement System of Georgia, 47-3-1 through 47-3-142.


47-3-126.3. Postretirement benefit adjustments.

  1. As used in this Code section, the term "beneficiary" shall have the meaning specified in paragraph (7) of Code Section 47-3-1 and shall also mean and include any retired public school teacher who retired pursuant to any county, municipal, or local board of education retirement or pension system.
  2. Subject to the limitations of subsection (c) of this Code section, effective July 1, 1988, the monthly retirement benefit of each beneficiary shall be increased by a percentage which varies in accordance with the time of retirement as follows:
  3. The full percentage increase provided for in subsection (b) of this Code section shall apply only to those beneficiaries who had 20 or more years of creditable service at the time of retirement. For those beneficiaries who had at least ten but less than 20 years of creditable service at the time of retirement, the monthly benefit increase provided for by subsection (b) of this Code section shall be reduced by 5 percent for each year less than 20 years of creditable service. Beneficiaries who had less than ten years of creditable service shall not receive an increase in their monthly retirement benefit under this Code section. No one person's retirement benefit or combination of retirement benefits shall exceed $1,500.00 per month as a result of an increase in the monthly retirement benefit under this Code section.

Time of Retirement Percentage Increase ------------------ ------------------- Prior to July 1, 1964 15.0 July 1, 1964, through June 30, 1969 13.0 July 1, 1969, through June 30, 1970 10.0 July 1, 1970, through June 30, 1971 8.0 July 1, 1971, through June 30, 1972 7.0 July 1, 1972, through June 30, 1973 6.0 July 1, 1973, through June 30, 1974 5.5 July 1, 1974, through June 30, 1975 5.0 July 1, 1975, through June 30, 1976 4.0 July 1, 1976, through June 30, 1977 3.5 July 1, 1977, through June 30, 1978 3.0 July 1, 1978, through June 30, 1979 2.5 July 1, 1979, through June 30, 1980 2.0 July 1, 1980, through June 30, 1981 1.5 July 1, 1981, through June 30, 1982 1.0 July 1, 1982, through June 30, 1983 0.5 July 1, 1983, through June 30, 1984 0.5 After June 30, 1984 0.0

(Code 1981, §47-3-126.3, enacted by Ga. L. 1988, p. 343, § 2; Ga. L. 2000, p. 131, § 1.)

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