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2018 Georgia Code 49-6-92 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 6. Services for the Aging, 49-6-1 through 49-6-92.


49-6-92. Establishment of advisory council; membership; advisory nature; review and recommendations; operation of council; reporting.

  1. There is established the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan Advisory Council which shall consist of the following members:
    1. Eleven individuals are standing members due to their position in government agency, organization, or elected office:
      1. The commissioner of human services or his or her designee;
      2. The director of the Division of Aging Services;
      3. The President of the Georgia Association of Area Agencies on Aging or his or her designee;
      4. The commissioner of community health or his or her designee;
      5. The commissioner of public health or his or her designee;
      6. The commissioner of behavioral health and developmental disabilities or his or her designee;
      7. The chairperson of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee or his or her designee;
      8. The chairperson of the House Committee on Health and Human Services or his or her designee;
      9. The chairperson of the House Committee on Human Relations and Aging or his or her designee;
      10. A representative of the Georgia Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association; and
      11. A representative of the Georgia Council on Aging.
    2. The Governor shall appoint one individual from around the state in each topical area below, chosen for his or her expertise or experience in one of the following six specific fields:
      1. A provider of residential, health care, or personal care services to those living with dementia;
      2. A social gerontologist or clinical researcher in an education or clinical setting with expertise in dementia;
      3. An advocate with a not-for-profit or state agency whose role is to improve services for older adults or those living with dementia;
      4. A medical professional with an active practice specializing in geriatrics, neurology, or other field closely related to dementia;
      5. A caregiver, current or past, for a family member with dementia who has experience navigating health care service options; and
      6. A person who has been diagnosed with dementia.
  2. The advisory council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Department of Human Services, and all other state agencies on matters relating to the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan. The advisory council shall review and make recommendations regarding progress toward the goals of the state plan and on progress in implementing resources and services to serve individuals with dementia related diseases around Georgia in the future. Such review and recommendations shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    1. Selecting current priorities for state plan work groups to focus on;
    2. Examining the current laws, rules and regulations, and policies of the various agencies that interact with services for individuals with dementia and making recommendations to improve the navigation of and provision of care services for those with dementia and their caregivers;
    3. Proposing legislative or administrative changes to policies and programs needed for furtherance of the state plan;
    4. Examining state and federal funding into the areas of the state plan and reviewing how to work interdisciplinarily to ensure the most efficient and effective use of available resources;
    5. Locating and assisting departments or partner agencies in applying for new funding sources and new opportunities in furtherance of the goals of the state plan; and
    6. Amending the state plan at least every three years and submitting the amended state plan to the Governor for authorization.
  3. The advisory council shall annually elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from among its membership. The advisory council may elect such other officers and establish committees as it considers appropriate. Until a chairperson and vice chairperson are elected or if the chairperson or vice chairperson is unavailable, the director of the Division of Aging Services shall serve temporarily in that role until a new election can be held by the advisory council. The advisory council shall create and vote on bylaws and policies as needed.
  4. The terms of those individuals appointed by the Governor pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall serve for an appointment of two years, with the exception of the first year of existence of the advisory council. For the purpose of staggering term appointments, in the first appointment of the individuals in paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section, the Governor shall appoint three appointees for a one-year first term and three appointees for a two-year first term. All subsequent appointments or reappointments shall be for terms of two years. If an appointee resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the appointed term, the Governor shall appoint a new individual whose expertise or experience satisfies the vacated position within 90 days.
  5. The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and at such additional times as it shall determine necessary to perform its duties. The advisory council shall also meet on the call of the chairperson, the vice chairperson, the commissioner, or the Governor. All meetings shall contain updates from each work group and presentations on any developed proposals for furtherance of the state plan goals. At or before the summer quarterly meeting, the advisory council shall take a formal vote on any proposals or recommendations under consideration.
  6. Starting on January 1, 2019, and repeating every three years after that date, the advisory council shall submit to the Governor for his or her approval and thereafter make available to the General Assembly a report on the work of the advisory council. This report shall include a summary of the progress report toward implementation of the state plan and recommendations for amendments to the state plan. If the advisory council determines that amendments need to be made to the state plan, an amended Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementia State Plan may be presented to the Governor for review and approval.
  7. The department shall staff a position for the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan; such position shall be the state plan coordinator. The state plan coordinator shall assist the chairperson and advisory council on council related activities, coordinating the advisory council meetings, and coordinating and serving as a liaison between the work groups and the advisory council, and other associated duties as assigned by the department. The state plan coordinator shall ensure that the progress report is published pursuant to subsection (f) of this Code section.
  8. The advisory council members shall serve in one or more of the Georgia Alzheimer's and Related Dementias State Plan work groups as described in the goals of the state plan. These work groups are to be composed of volunteers and individuals interested in dementia and shall meet between the quarterly meetings to develop the priorities from paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of this Code section to present recommendations to the full advisory council at its quarterly meetings.
  9. Members shall serve without compensation, although each member of the advisory council shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties from funds available to the advisory council; provided, however, that any legislative member shall receive the allowances authorized by law for legislative members of interim legislative committees and any members who are state employees shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred by them in the same manner as they are reimbursed for expenses in their capacities as state employees.

(Code 1981, §49-6-92, enacted by Ga. L. 2018, p. 921, § 2/SB 444.)

Code Commission notes.

- Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2018, "January 1, 2019," was substituted for "January 1 of the year after this article takes effect" at the beginning of subsection (f).

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