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2018 Georgia Code 50-7-17 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 7. Department of Economic Development, 50-7-1 through 50-7-125.


50-7-17. New Georgia Foundation for Tourism; definitions; marketing program.

  1. Statement of policy and short title. The General Assembly finds that it is in the state's interest to present a cohesive and vibrant message for the promotion of tourism in Georgia. This Code section, therefore, shall be known and may be cited as the "New Georgia Foundation for Tourism Act."
  2. Definitions. As used in this Code section, the term:
    1. "Agency" means any officer, board, department, agency, commission, bureau, authority, public corporation, instrumentality, or other entity of state government when engaged in an activity conducive to marketing which promotes tourism.
    2. "Coordinate" and "coordination" include issuing rules, policies, standards, definitions, specifications, coordination, and other guidance and direction.
    3. "Department" means the Department of Economic Development.
    4. "Implement" and "implementation" include planning, writing, drafting, designing, study, and market analysis; solicitation and acceptance of gifts, contributions, and cooperation; contracting, procurement, retention of consultants, outsourcing, similar activities, and other activities within the ordinary meaning of the term in this context.
    5. "Market" and "marketing" include promotion, advertising, signage, public relations, press relations, branding, and use of a "look"; creation, use, and licensing of trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property; discounts; and other activities of similar nature or within the term as it is commonly understood.
  3. Establishment of State-wide Tourism Marketing Program.
    1. Generally. For promotion of tourism in Georgia, the department may establish, implement, and provide for implementing a State-wide Tourism Marketing Program, with common and consistent features for implementation by the department and agencies. Within the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program, the department may establish or authorize various themes and component programs, but such themes and component programs must have common and consistent features with the State-wide Tourism Market Program.
    2. Emphases. As important and substantial components of the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program, the department will place particular emphasis on branding and on the state's great heritage and culture.
    3. Sharing of powers. In marketing and implementation of marketing for tourism, the department may exercise its powers under paragraphs (9) and (11) of Code Section 50-7-8 and may authorize and delegate to agencies all or parts of such powers for their own implementation.
  4. Coordination.
    1. Generally. The department will implement the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program and will also coordinate its implementation by individual agencies.
    2. Delegation and agency retention. The department may delegate marketing implementation activities to agencies in promotion of tourism and may allow agencies to retain marketing and implementation activities in the course of its coordination. The department will coordinate agencies such that they retain a measure of independence and freedom of action in marketing their own specific activities and functions, consistently with the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program.
    3. Cooperation. In addition to the specific administrative instructions of this Code section, the department, the Georgia Technology Authority, the Department of Administrative Services, and agencies and other departments and state authorities will assist and cooperate with one another for the purposes of this Code section.
    4. Budget. The department may establish an annual budget covering all the costs of establishing and implementing the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program and determine an equitable basis for prorating all or part of the annual costs among the agencies, subject to approval by the Governor. Upon approval, the Governor may direct that the necessary pro rata share of the agencies assessed be made available for expenditure by the department in the same manner as appropriated funds.
    5. Exclusion from APA. Coordination of marketing and implementation of marketing for promotion of tourism will not be subject to the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act," Article 1 of Chapter 13 of Title 50.
    6. Agency publications. Without limitation, the department may determine when the publication of official reports and similar documents, and the production of similar material in other media (such as film, video, sound, and other electronic forms) are deemed conducive to promoting tourism. Agencies will then publish or produce such material and information using themes, a "look," and other marketing elements promulgated by the department for the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program.
  5. Georgia Tourism Foundation.
    1. Establishment. There is hereby established the Georgia Tourism Foundation, existing as a public corporation and instrumentality of the state, exclusively limited to the following charitable and public purposes and powers:
      1. To solicit and accept contributions of money and in-kind contributions of services and property for the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program;
      2. To make and disburse contributions to the department for such purposes;
      3. To seek recognition of tax exempt status by the United States Internal Revenue Service and to seek confirmation concerning the deductibility of contributions;
      4. To formulate recommendations for the State-wide Tourism Marketing Program;
      5. Subject to approval of the Governor, to create subsidiaries with like character and powers but with limited missions keyed to particular component programs and activities of the department's State-wide Tourism Marketing Program; and
      6. To provide for additional officers and governance through bylaws which are consistent with the goals of lessening the government burden in promoting tourism, establishing and maintaining tax exempt status, and soliciting deductible contributions.
    2. Members. The governance of the Georgia Tourism Foundation shall be in members, consisting of not less than nine nor more than 20 members, appointed by the Governor. Members shall always include at least three members of the Board of Economic Development, together with such other members as appointed by the Governor. Service by a member of the Board of Economic Development as a member of the Georgia Tourism Foundation shall not constitute a conflict of interest. A member of the Georgia Tourism Foundation who is a member of the Board of Economic Development shall serve as the chairperson of the Georgia Tourism Foundation and shall be elected by the members of the Georgia Tourism Foundation. In no event shall members of the Board of Economic Development comprise more than one-third of the members of the Georgia Tourism Foundation. The Georgia Tourism Foundation shall be authorized to fix the precise number of members, within the minimum and maximum numbers, by resolution adopted from time to time at a meeting of the Georgia Tourism Foundation by a majority of all the members of the Georgia Tourism Foundation. No member shall be individually liable for the acts or omissions to act by the foundation.
    3. Administration. The Georgia Tourism Foundation shall be attached to the department for administrative purposes. The Attorney General shall be the attorney for the foundation. The department may solicit and accept contributions from the foundation and authorize agencies to do so. The department may cooperate and contract with the foundation for their mutual benefit and authorize agencies to do so. Upon any dissolution of the foundation, its assets will devolve in trust to the department or its successor for use only for marketing to promote tourism for Georgia.
    4. Public purpose. The creation of the Georgia Tourism Foundation and the carrying out of its corporate purposes are in all respects for the benefit of the people of this state and constitute a public and charitable purpose. Further, the foundation will be performing an essential governmental function in the exercise of the powers conferred upon it by this Code section. Accordingly, the foundation shall not be subject to taxation or assessment in any manner, including without limitation taxation or assessment upon any transaction, income, money, or other property or activity. The exemptions granted in this Code section shall not be extended to any private person or entity.

(Code 1981, §50-7-17, enacted by Ga. L. 2005, p. 306, § 1/SB 125; Ga. L. 2006, p. 72, § 50/SB 465; Ga. L. 2013, p. 685, § 1/SB 177; Ga. L. 2014, p. 866, § 50/SB 340.)

The 2013 amendment, effective July 1, 2013, rewrote paragraph (e)(2); and substituted "shall" for "will" in the first and second sentence of paragraph (e)(3) and in the last sentence of paragraph (e)(4).

The 2014 amendment, effective April 29, 2014, part of an Act to revise, modernize, and correct the Code, substituted "Board of Economic Development" for "Board of Development" in the fourth sentence of paragraph (e)(2).

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