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2018 Georgia Code 50-8-261 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 8. Department of Community Affairs, 50-8-1 through 50-8-301.


50-8-261. Short title; establishment; director; application for assistance; fees; rules and regulations.

  1. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Georgia Downtown Renaissance Fund Act."
  2. The Georgia Downtown Renaissance Fund is established within the department for the purpose of assisting local governments, downtown development authorities, urban redevelopment authorities, special districts, and nonprofit organizations with financing and technical assistance to encourage economic and small business development, historic preservation, private investment, public improvements, leadership development, training, design assistance, and financing in the effort of improving downtown districts.
  3. The commissioner of community affairs shall serve as the director of the fund.
    1. Using such funds as may be appropriated, the office may provide assistance to eligible local governments, urban redevelopment authorities, development authorities, or downtown development authorities in the form of technical assistance, loans, loan guarantees, or any combination thereof.
    2. Appropriated funds by line item in any appropriations Act for the Georgia Downtown Renaissance Fund shall be used for project financing and be disbursed through rules and procedures promulgated by the Office of Downtown Development.
    3. The initial investment into the Georgia Downtown Renaissance Fund shall be capped on an annual basis of $5 million per year for up to four years, not to exceed $20 million.
  4. The department may apply for, receive, administer, and use any grant, other financial assistance, or other funds made available to the department from any government or other source for furthering the purposes of the fund.
  5. Each municipal corporation in this state may make application to the department for assistance in downtown district development. A major criteria to be used in determining the amount of any financial assistance granted by the department from the fund may be the local commitment to the redevelopment of the downtown district.
  6. The department shall be authorized to charge reasonable application or service fees to offset administrative costs incurred in the administration of the fund.
  7. The department shall be authorized to promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer this Code section.

(Code 1981, §50-8-261, enacted by Ga. L. 2014, p. 300, § 1/HB 128.)

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