Section 1. Selling and Other Trade Practices, 10-1-1 through 10-1-915.
10-1-159. Inspection of self-measuring pumps; sealing accurate pumps; condemnation of inaccurate pumps; rules and regulations.
It shall be the duty of the inspectors provided for in this part to familiarize themselves with the accuracy and adjusting devices on the various makes of self-measuring pumps in use; and they shall carefully inspect all of such pumps located in the territory assigned to them.
All such pumps found to be giving accurate measure within the tolerance established by regulations of the Commissioner of Agriculture shall have the adjusting device sealed with an official lead and wire seal applied by an inspector duly authorized by the Commissioner of Agriculture in such a manner that the adjustment cannot be altered without breaking the seal.
If any pump shall be found to be giving inaccurate measure in excess of the tolerance established by regulations of the Commissioner of Agriculture, the inspector shall then and there notify the operator of the pump, whether owner or lessee, to make the necessary adjustments, the inspector to lend his assistance with the standard measure provided for testing such pumps. After the adjustments have been made, the adjusting devices shall be sealed in the manner provided for those pumps found originally accurate. The inspector shall notify the operator, whether owner or lessee, of every pump that apparently has been altered for the purpose of giving short measure in excess of eight ounces on a measure of five gallons or that cannot be adjusted within a range of eight ounces, either over or under, on a measure of five gallons that it must immediately be adjusted, the inspector to lend his assistance with the standard measure for testing such pumps. Should the operator fail or refuse to then and there make such adjustments as shall be necessary to bring the measure within the allowed variation, the same shall be condemned and rendered inoperable immediately by the inspector examining the same; and such pump shall not again be operated without the written consent of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Inspectors shall be required to report to the Commissioner of Agriculture immediately the name and number of all pumps condemned and rendered inoperable.
When any pump shall be condemned under this part by any inspector, it shall be the duty of the inspector immediately to make affidavit before the judge of the probate court of the county in which the pump is located that the pump is being operated by the person who shall be named in the affidavit, contrary to law. Thereupon the judge of the probate court shall issue an order to the person named in the affidavit to show cause before him on the day named in the order, not more than ten days nor less than three days from the issuance of the order, why the pump should not be confiscated and dismantled. On the day named in the order, it shall be the duty of the judge of the probate court to hear the respective parties and to determine whether or not the pump has been operated contrary to the provisions of this part. If the judge of the probate court shall find that the pump has been so operated, he shall forthwith issue an order adjudging the pump to be forfeited and confiscated to the state and direct the sheriff of the county to dismantle the pump and take it into his possession, and, after ten days' notice by posting or publication, as the court may direct, to sell the pump to the highest bidder for cash. The proceeds of sale, or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used by the sheriff, first, to pay the costs, which shall be the same as in cases of attachment, and the sheriff shall thereupon pay over and deliver the residue, if any, to the person from whose possession the pump has been taken.
It shall be unlawful to install or operate any self-measuring pump which can be secretly manipulated in such manner as to give short measure. Such inaccurate self-measuring pump shall be condemned as provided in this Code section, and thereafter it shall be unlawful for any person to sell any kerosene or gasoline from such pump until such pump has been made or altered to comply with this part and has been inspected and approved for service by the inspector.
It shall be unlawful for anyone to break a seal applied by an inspector to a pump without first securing consent of the Commissioner of Agriculture, which consent may be given through one of the duly authorized inspectors.
The Department of Agriculture shall have the power to implement rules and regulations necessary to carry out inspections of self-measuring pumps provided for by this Code section.
(Ga. L. 1927, p. 279, § 15; Code 1933, § 73-220; Ga. L. 1960, p. 1043, §§ 1, 14; Ga. L. 2010, p. 9, § 1-24/HB 1055.)
Applicability to tank wagons and trucks.
- The laws providing for the inspection and calibration of pumps used in the sale of petroleum products are applicable to tank wagons and transport trucks used by wholesale dealers making delivery of petroleum products in Georgia, as well as retail dealers. 1952-53 Op. Att'y Gen. p. 484 (rendered prior to enactment of Code Section 10-1-160).
Am. Jur. 2d.
- 38 Am. Jur. 2d, Gas and Oil,
145, 159 et seq.
- 58 C.J.S., Mines and Minerals,
401 et seq.