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2018 Georgia Code 10-1-668 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 1. Selling and Other Trade Practices, 10-1-1 through 10-1-915.


10-1-668. Annual dealer registration and appropriation to department fund.

  1. In addition to the licensing fee set forth in Code Section 40-2-38, each dealer shall register annually with the department and shall pay an annual registration fee of $25.00. The fee shall be paid on or before January 1 of the registration year and shall be paid with and accompanied by such forms as the commissioner shall prescribe.
  2. It is the intent of the General Assembly of Georgia that an amount equal to the amount collected by the registration fee provided for in this Code section be appropriated to the department to fund the provisions of this part. If the funds appropriated to the department to fund the provisions of this part exceed the actual cost to the department to enforce this part, then the excess funds so appropriated shall lapse. However, if the fees collected under subsection (a) of this Code section do not equal the actual cost to the department to enforce the provisions of this part, then the commissioner may raise the registration fee to an amount which will ensure that the cost to the state to enforce this part is received.

(Code 1981, §10-1-668, enacted by Ga. L. 1993, p. 1585, § 2; Ga. L. 2003, p. 445, § 2.)


10-1-670. Application to franchise agreements.

Any provision of this article which would, in the absence of this Code section, impair an obligation of a franchise agreement or any other agreement between a manufacturer or franchisor and a franchisee shall only apply to any such agreement made, entered into, renewed, extended, modified, or continued after the effective date of such provision. Otherwise, each provision of this article shall apply to all franchise or other agreements.

(Code 1981, §10-1-670, enacted by Ga. L. 1999, p. 1194, § 12.)

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