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2018 Georgia Code 26-4-110.1 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 4. Pharmacists and Pharmacies, 26-4-1 through 26-4-214.


26-4-110.1. Definitions; license required; condition for licensing.

  1. As used in this Code section, the term:
    1. "Enrollee" means a person eligible to receive health care benefits under a health benefit plan.
    2. "Health benefit plan" means any hospital or medical insurance policy or certificate, health care plan contract or certificate, qualified higher deductible health plan, health maintenance organization subscriber contract, or any managed care plan.
    3. "Insurer" means a corporation or other entity which is licensed or otherwise authorized to offer a health benefit plan in this state.
    4. "Pharmacy benefits manager" means any person, corporation, or other entity that administers the prescription drug, prescription device, or both prescription drug and device portion of a health benefit plan on behalf of an insurer but shall not include any pharmacy benefits manager offered pursuant to Chapter 18 of Title 45 or offered on behalf of recipients of medical assistance under Titles XIX and XXI of the federal Social Security Act.
  2. Every pharmacy benefit manager providing services or benefits in this state which constitutes the practice of pharmacy as defined in Code Section 26-4-4 shall be licensed to practice as a pharmacy in this state and shall comply with those provisions of Code Section 26-4-110, except subsections (h), (i), and (j) thereof. As a condition for licensing, every pharmacy benefit manager shall permit the board or agents or employees thereof to inspect the premises of such pharmacy benefit manager whether those premises are located within or outside this state.

(Code 1981, §26-4-110.1, enacted by Ga. L. 2002, p. 1492, § 2.)

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