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2018 Georgia Code 31-7-2.2 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 7. Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities, 31-7-1 through 31-7-412.


31-7-2.2. Determination that patients or residents in an institution, community living arrangement, or treatment program are in danger; relocation of patients or residents; suspension of admissions.

    1. The commissioner may order the emergency relocation of patients or residents from an institution subject to licensure under this chapter, a community living arrangement subject to licensure under paragraph (8) of subsection (d) of Code Section 31-2-4, or a drug abuse treatment and education program subject to licensure under Chapter 5 of Title 26 when the commissioner has determined that the patients or residents are subject to an imminent and substantial danger.
    2. When an order is issued under this subsection, the commissioner shall provide for:
      1. Notice to the patient or resident, his or her next of kin or guardian, and his or her physician of the emergency relocation and the reasons therefor;
      2. Relocation to the nearest appropriate institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program; and
      3. Other protection designed to ensure the welfare and, when possible, the desires of the patient or resident.
    1. The commissioner may order the emergency placement of a monitor in an institution subject to licensure under this chapter, a community living arrangement subject to licensure under paragraph (8) of subsection (d) of Code Section 31-2-4, or a drug abuse treatment and education program subject to licensure under Chapter 5 of Title 26 when one or more of the following conditions are present:
      1. The institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program is operating without a permit or a license;
      2. The department has denied application for a permit or a license or has initiated action to revoke the existing permit or license of the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program;
      3. The institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program is closing or plans to close and adequate arrangements for relocation of the patients or residents have not been made at least 30 days before the date of closure; or
      4. The health, safety, security, rights, or welfare of the patients or residents cannot be adequately assured by the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program.
    2. A monitor may be placed, pursuant to this subsection, in an institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program for no more than ten days, during which time the monitor shall observe conditions and compliance with any recommended remedial action of the department by the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program. The monitor shall report to the department. The monitor shall not assume any administrative responsibility within the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program nor shall the monitor be liable for any actions of the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program. The costs of placing a monitor in an institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program shall be paid by the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program unless the order placing the monitor is determined to be invalid in a contested case proceeding under subsection (d) of this Code section, in which event the costs shall be paid by the state.
    1. The commissioner may order the emergency prohibition of admissions to an institution subject to licensure under this chapter, a community living arrangement subject to licensure under paragraph (8) of subsection (d) of Code Section 31-2-4, or program subject to licensure under Chapter 5 of Title 26 when such institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program has failed to correct a violation of departmental permit rules or regulations within a reasonable period of time, as specified in the department's corrective order, and the violation:
      1. Could jeopardize the health and safety of the residents or patients in the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program if allowed to remain uncorrected; or
      2. Is a repeat violation over a 12 month period, which is intentional or due to gross negligence.
    2. Admission to an institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program may be suspended until the violation has been corrected or until the department has determined that the institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program has undertaken the action necessary to effect correction of the violation.
  1. The commissioner may issue emergency orders pursuant to this Code section only if authorized by rules and regulations of the department. Unless otherwise provided in the order, an emergency order shall become effective immediately. The department shall hold a preliminary hearing within ten days following a request therefor by any institution, community living arrangement, or drug abuse treatment and education program affected by an emergency order. If at the preliminary hearing the order is determined by the department to be invalid, that order shall thereupon become void and of no effect. If at the preliminary hearing the order is determined by the department to be valid, that determination shall constitute a contested case under Chapter 13 of Title 50, the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act," and that order shall remain in effect until determined invalid in a proceeding regarding the contested case or until rescinded by the commissioner, whichever is earlier. For purposes of this subsection, an emergency order is valid only if the order is authorized to be issued under this Code section and rules and regulations relating thereto.
  2. The powers provided by this Code section are cumulative of all other powers of the department, board, and commissioner.

(Code 1981, §31-7-2.2, enacted by Ga. L. 1983, p. 1323, § 1; Ga. L. 2003, p. 558, § 3; Ga. L. 2009, p. 453, § 1-26/HB 228.)

Administrative Rules and Regulations.

- Monitoring, suspension of admissions, or transfer of patients or residents of hospitals and related institutions, Official Compilation of the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia, Department of Human Resources, Public Health, Chapter 290-5-44.


Discretionary function of state agency.

- Decision of the Department of Human Resources (now the Department of Community Health for these purposes) to review records, discuss with staff residents' care needs in a personal care home, and obtain a physician's statement regarding a resident's condition, in order to determine if the resident was a suitable resident at the home, rather than taking other action, including reassessing the patient or ordering emergency relocation, entailed policy judgments in which alternate courses of action were weighed in light of competing economic and social factors, and was the performance of a discretionary function or duty within the exception stated in O.C.G.A. § 50-21-24(2). Bruton v. State Dep't of Human Resources, 235 Ga. App. 291, 509 S.E.2d 363 (1998).

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