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2018 Georgia Code 33-20-18 | Car Wreck Lawyer


Section 20. Health Care Plans, 33-20-1 through 33-20-34.


33-20-18. Sale of contracts providing for payment of specified charges made by participating physicians; right of subscribers to select physicians; liability of corporations for negligence of physicians.

  1. Health care corporations shall have the right to sell contracts providing for the payment of specified charges made by participating physicians furnishing medical or surgical care, or both, to the holders of such contracts, their beneficiaries, and covered dependents as provided for in this Code section.
  2. The contracts shall not in any manner restrict the right of the holder to obtain the services of any physician nor shall such contracts attempt to control the relationship existing between any holder or beneficiary of any such contract and his physician.
  3. The private physician-patient relationship shall be maintained, and a subscriber shall at all times have free choice of any physician or of any health care provider or facility within a class approved by the corporation in accordance with this chapter; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Code section shall be deemed to prohibit the use of either a group of participating physicians or approved health care providers and representatives of approved facilities which have been approved by the medical societies in the county or counties in which corporations operate to review charges made by physicians or other providers of health care services participating in the plan so as to ensure that the charges do not exceed the usual, customary, and reasonable charges made by other physicians or other providers of health care services for similar services and that such services are necessary and do not involve unnecessary utilization of services or facilities.
  4. No provision of this chapter shall be construed as authorizing the corporate practice of medicine; and health care corporations shall not practice medicine. No physician rendering service or called on to render service to a member, beneficiary, or covered dependent and no other provider of health care services shall be construed to be an agent or employee of such corporation; and such corporation shall not be liable for the negligence, misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance of any provider of health care services or of any physician rendering medical or surgical services to any member, beneficiary, or covered dependent.

(Code 1933, § 56-1711a, enacted by Ga. L. 1976, p. 1461, § 1; Ga. L. 2000, p. 136, § 33.)



- Health service plan as violation of medical practice acts, 119 A.L.R. 1290.

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