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2018 Georgia Code 36-63-4 | Car Wreck Lawyer


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36-63-4. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the term:

  1. "Authority" means each public corporation created pursuant to this chapter.
  2. "Collection" means the aggregating of solid waste from its primary source and includes all activities up to such time as the waste is delivered to the place at which it is to be processed.
  3. "Cost of project" means all costs of site preparation and other start-up costs; all costs of construction; all costs of real and personal property required for the purposes of the project and facilities related thereto, including land and any rights or undivided interest therein, easements, franchises, fees, permits, approvals, licenses, and certificates and the securing of such permits, approvals, licenses, and certificates, and all machinery and equipment, including motor vehicles which are used for project functions; financing charges and interest prior to and during construction and during such additional period as the authority may reasonably determine to be necessary for the placing of the project in operation; costs of engineering, architectural, and legal services; cost of plans and specifications and all expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of the project; administrative expenses; and such other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the financing authorized in this chapter. The costs of any project may also include funds for the creation of a debt service reserve, a renewal and replacement reserve, and such other reserves as may be reasonably required by the authority for the operation of its projects and as may be authorized by any bond resolution or trust agreement or indenture pursuant to the provisions of which the issuance of any such bonds may be authorized. Any obligation or expense incurred for any of the foregoing purposes shall be regarded as a part of the cost of the project and may be paid or reimbursed as such out of the proceeds of revenue bonds or notes issued under this chapter for such project.
  4. "County" means any county of this state or a governmental entity formed by the consolidation of a county and one or more municipal corporations.
  5. "Governing body" means the elected or duly appointed officials constituting the governing body of each municipal corporation and county in the state.
  6. "Municipal corporation" means each city and town in this state.
  7. "Project" means:
    1. The collection and transportation of solid waste and sewage sludge and it shall also mean any property, real or personal, used as or in connection with a facility for the extraction, collection, storage, treatment, processing, utilization, or final disposal of resources contained in sewage sludge or solid waste, including the conversion of sewage sludge, solid waste, or resources contained therein into steam, electricity, oil, charcoal, gas, or any other product or energy source and the collection, storage, treatment, utilization, processing, or final disposal of sewage sludge and solid waste in connection with the foregoing; and
    2. Any property, real or personal, used as or in connection with a facility for the extraction, collection, storage, treatment, processing, or utilization of water resources and the conversion of such resources into any useful form of energy.
  8. "Resources" means any natural or synthetic substance contained in sewage sludge or solid waste which can be processed and reused in the same or a different form or which can be converted into usable energy and water resources which can be used as energy or converted into usable energy.
  9. "Sewage sludge" means all solid or dissolved materials in domestic or industrial sewage or other significant pollutants in water resources, such as salt, dissolved or suspended solids in waste-water effluents, human wastes, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, and silt, after they are extracted from the medium in which they are contained.
  10. "Solid waste" means garbage, refuse, or other discarded solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from industrial and agricultural operations and from community and domestic activities. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "garbage" shall include putrescible wastes, including animal and vegetable matters, animal offal and carcasses, and industrial by-products, and the term "refuse" shall include all nonputrescible wastes.

(Code 1933, § 69-1503a, enacted by Ga. L. 1978, p. 1898, § 1; Ga. L. 1983, p. 515, § 2; Ga. L. 1987, p. 3, § 36; Ga. L. 1992, p. 6, § 36.)



- 20 C.J.S., Counties, § 1 et seq. 39A C.J.S., Health and Environment, § 80. 62 C.J.S., Municipal Corporations, § 1 et seq.

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