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2018 Georgia Code 36-70-2 | Car Wreck Lawyer


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36-70-2. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the term:

  1. "Comprehensive plan" means any plan by a county or municipality covering such county or municipality proposed or prepared pursuant to the minimum standards and procedures for preparation of comprehensive plans and for implementation of comprehensive plans established by the department.
  2. "Coordinated and comprehensive planning" means planning by counties and municipalities undertaken in accordance with the minimum standards and procedures for preparation of plans, for implementation of plans, and for participation in the coordinated and comprehensive planning process, as established by the department.
  3. "County" means any county of this state.
  4. "Department" means the Department of Community Affairs of the State of Georgia created pursuant to Article 1 of Chapter 8 of Title 50.
  5. "Governing authority" or "governing body" means the board of commissioners of a county, sole commissioner of a county, council, commissioners, or other governing authority for a county or municipality.

    (5.1) "Inactive municipality" means any municipality which has not for a period of three consecutive calendar years carried out any of the following activities:

    1. The levying or collecting of any taxes or fees;
    2. The provision of any of the following governmental services: water; sewage; garbage collection; police protection; fire protection; or library; or
    3. The holding of a municipal election.

    (5.2) "Local government" means any county as defined in paragraph (3) of this Code section or any municipality as defined in paragraph (7) of this Code section. The term does not include any school district of this state nor any sheriff, clerk of the superior court, judge of the probate court, or tax commissioner or the office, personnel, or services provided by such elected officials.

    (5.3) "Mechanisms" includes, but is not limited to, intergovernmental agreements, ordinances, resolutions, and local Acts of the General Assembly in effect on July 1, 1997, or executed thereafter.

  6. "Minimum standards and procedures" means the minimum standards and procedures for preparation of comprehensive plans, for implementation of comprehensive plans, and for participation in the coordinated and comprehensive planning process, as established by the department, in accordance with Article 1 of Chapter 8 of Title 50. Minimum standards and procedures shall include any standards and procedures for such purposes prescribed by a regional commission for counties and municipalities within its region and approved in advance by the department.
  7. "Municipality" means any municipal corporation of the state and any consolidated city-county government of the state.
  8. "Region" means the territorial area within the boundaries of operation for any regional commission, as such boundaries shall be established from time to time by the board of the department.
  9. "Regional commission" means a regional commission established under Article 2 of Chapter 8 of Title 50.

(Code 1981, §36-70-2, enacted by Ga. L. 1989, p. 1317, § 4.1; Ga. L. 1992, p. 2056, § 1; Ga. L. 1993, p. 91, § 36; Ga. L. 1997, p. 1567, § 1; Ga. L. 2004, p. 585, § 1; Ga. L. 2008, p. 181, § 16/HB 1216.)

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