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2018 Georgia Code 36-61-4 | Car Wreck Lawyer


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36-61-4. Encouragement of private enterprise.

  1. A municipality or county, to the greatest extent it determines to be feasible in carrying out the provisions of this chapter, shall afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality or county as a whole, to the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban redevelopment area by private enterprise. A municipality or county shall give consideration to this objective in exercising its powers under this chapter, including: the formulation of a workable program; the approval of urban redevelopment plans consistent with the general plan for the municipality or county; the adoption and enforcement of ordinances as provided for in Code Section 36-61-11; the exercise of its zoning powers; the enforcement of other laws, codes, and regulations relating to the use of land and the use and occupancy of buildings and improvements; the disposition of any property acquired; and the provision of necessary public improvements.
  2. Notwithstanding anything in this chapter or other provisions of law to the contrary, and in order to give effect to the encouragement of private enterprise contemplated in this Code section, the following shall apply to contracts and agreements for surface transportation projects entered into pursuant to this chapter:
    1. In addition to other methods of procurement authorized by law, the sponsoring local government, urban redevelopment agency, or other governing body shall be authorized to utilize the procedures of this chapter to provide for the planning, design, finance, construction, acquisition, leasing, operation, and maintenance of surface transportation projects. The provisions of this chapter shall be an alternative to such other methods to be exercised at the option of each sponsoring local government or public body;
    2. One or more public bodies may participate in the consideration and implementation of a surface transportation project at the discretion of the sponsoring local government. Where more than one public body agrees to participate in the consideration or implementation of a surface transportation project, the participants may designate one or more representatives of each such participating public body, as agreed to by the sponsoring local government or the urban redevelopment agency;
      1. An urban redevelopment agency designated by the sponsoring local government may evaluate a project to determine the appropriate or desirable levels of public and private participation in planning, designing, financing, constructing, operating, maintaining, or facilitating, or any combination thereof, for the execution of such project. Such urban redevelopment agency may designate a public nonprofit, private corporation, body, or entity to perform this function and to otherwise perform the activities contemplated in this Code section.
      2. A sponsoring local government or an urban redevelopment agency shall be authorized to issue, individually or in sequenced stages, written requests for expressions of interest, qualifications, or proposals, or any combination thereof, or other similar methods of procurement or solicitation. Such requests shall indicate the scope of the project, the proposed public and private financial participation in the project, including, but not limited to, the rights, responsibilities, obligations, revenue sharing features, any lease, license, availability or other payment rights, and any other allocations of interests and federal and state income tax benefits in respect of real and personal property relating to a project. Such requests shall include the factors to be used in evaluating responses, the relative importance of any applicable evaluation factors, and other contractual terms and conditions expected, including any unique capabilities or qualifications that will be required of respondents, as determined in the sole discretion of the designated representative of the sponsoring local government. Public notice of such requests shall be made at least 30 days prior to the date set for the release of said request by posting a legal notice on the websites and weekly in the legal organ of the sponsoring local government and the public body implementing the project, in substantially the same manner utilized by such public bodies in order to solicit requests for proposals, with a copy of such notice provided simultaneously to each affected public body.
        1. The public body implementing the project and the sponsoring local government, with the participation of any designated representatives of other participating public bodies as determined by the sponsoring local government, may engage in individual discussions and interviews with each respondent deemed fully qualified, responsible, and suitable on the basis of initial responses and with emphasis on professional competence and ability to meet the level of private financial participation as called for in such request. Repetitive interviews may be conducted. Any such interviews shall be deemed to be a part of the procurement process.
        2. (I) At the conclusion of the final stage, on the basis of evaluation factors published in the request and all information developed in the selection process, the public body implementing the surface transportation project, in an open and public meeting subject to the provisions of Chapter 14 of Title 50, shall rank the proposals in accordance with the factors set forth in the request for proposal or invitation for bids.
      3. After ranking the proposals, the public body implementing the project shall begin negotiations with the first ranked private entity. If such public body and first ranked private entity do not reach a comprehensive agreement or interim agreement, such public body may conduct negotiations with the next ranked private entity. Such process shall continue until such public body either voluntarily abandons the process or executes a comprehensive agreement or interim agreement with a private entity. Negotiations conducted with one or more selected respondents pursuant to this Code section shall continue to be deemed an active procurement until the execution of the final, definitive agreement with the selected respondent or respondents.
        1. The public body implementing the project shall select for approval the respondent offering the most satisfactory and advantageous contract terms for the project based upon a thorough assessment of any one or more of the following: experience and reputation with similar projects; engineering and design quality; value; projected savings during, before, or after construction; and the ability of the final project's characteristics to meet the goals of the sponsoring local government, consistent with applicable plans and programs. The fair market value of any property included as a part of the procurement may be based on the consideration of the above factors, but it shall not be less than the initial cost to obtain the property. Before making such selection, the designated representative shall consult in an open and public meeting subject to the provisions of Chapter 14 of Title 50 with the representatives of any participating local governing authority, participating local authority, participating state agency, department, or authority, and affected local government. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the terms and conditions for multiple awards are included in the request, the implementing public body may award contracts to more than one respondent. Should the implementing public body determine in writing that only one respondent is fully qualified, or that one respondent is clearly more highly qualified and suitable than the other respondents under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that respondent.
        2. Upon approval of the selection by the implementing public body, a contract or contracts not exceeding 50 years in duration may be entered into by the urban redevelopment agency or any one or more of the participating public bodies and the selected respondent or respondents. The private financial data or financial plans which qualify as trade secrets pursuant to Code Section 10-1-761 and paragraph (34) of subsection (a) of Code Section 50-18-72 provided by the respondents shall remain exempt from Code Section 50-18-72 during and after the conclusion of the related selection process.
      4. A dispute over the award of a contract under this chapter shall be resolved by the filing of a petition in the superior court of the county in which the sponsoring local government is located within 30 days of the awarding of such contract and shall be determined through the use of a special master appointed by the judge of the superior court of the county in which the sponsoring local government is located. The special master shall not be authorized to enjoin or otherwise delay or suspend the execution of the contract and any work to be performed under such contract. The decision of the special master with regard to such dispute shall be appealable for a de novo review to the superior court of the county in which the sponsoring local government is located within 30 days following the decision of the special master.
      5. Nothing in this chapter shall require the designated representatives, the sponsoring local government, the implementing public body, or any participating public body to continue negotiations or discussions arising out of any request or any other procurement initiated under the provisions of this Code section.
      6. Every public body shall be authorized to promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to assist in its evaluation of responses and to implement the purposes of this chapter; provided, however, that unsolicited proposals shall not be permitted;
    3. No public officer, employee, or member of any participating public body, with respect to contracts of such public body, or the General Assembly shall serve as an agent, lobbyist, or board member for any private entity directly or indirectly under a contract or negotiating a contract provided for by this chapter for one year after leaving his or her position as a public officer, employee, or member of the public body or the General Assembly; and
    4. Contracts entered into with a private enterprise in respect to the design, construction, operation, financing, or management of the public components of a surface transportation project shall not constitute the acquisition of property for a private use, nor shall such contracts be deemed a sale, lease, or other disposition of the related interests in property under any provisions of this chapter or other provision of applicable law, and such public components of a surface transportation project shall be deemed a public use for all purposes under applicable provisions of law, including, without limitation, Code Sections 36-61-9 and 36-61-10.

(Ga. L. 1955, p. 354, § 3; Ga. L. 2015, p. 1329, § 3/SB 4; Ga. L. 2016, p. 864, § 36/HB 737.)

The 2015 amendment, effective July 1, 2015, designated the previously existing provisions of this Code section as subsection (a); and added subsection (b).

The 2016 amendment, effective May 3, 2016, part of an Act to revise, modernize, and correct the Code, substituted "respondents pursuant" for "respondent pursuant" in the last sentence of subdivision (b)(3)(C)(ii)(II).

Law reviews.

- For article, "Cities and Towns in Georgia: A Distinction With a Difference?," see 14 Mercer L. Rev. 385 (1963).


Am. Jur. 2d.

- 40A Am. Jur. 2d, Housing Laws and Urban Redevelopment, § 5.


- 39A C.J.S., Health and Environment, §§ 62, 63.


- Validity, construction, and effect of statutes providing for urban redevelopment by private enterprise, 44 A.L.R.2d 1414.

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